Best Temperature to Grill a Steak | Thickness, Cut, and Temperature

Best Temperature to Grill a Steak

Few foods match the flavor of a well-cooked steak. Whenever you fire up the grill and use the proper techniques, you may enjoy juicy and tasty meat that impresses your visitors and family. There’s an art to searing the perfect Steak, from rare to well done, whether cooking over charcoal or gas. The question naturally arises of the best temperature to grill a steak. Grilling Steak on a gas grill does not have to be difficult, but most people make the error of depending solely on steak cooking time without considering the temperature.

To cook a steak, the grill temperature should be anywhere between 450° and 500° F. It would help if you used a meat probe thermometer to check the Steak. Your grill temperature gauge will show how hot it is within the grill, but it will not tell you how hot the meat is. The time it takes to cook varies depending on how hot your grill can reach. Cooking quickly and evenly is ideal.

Grilling at the Right Temperature

The thickness of the cut of meat determines the grill temperature. However, it may seem counterintuitive. More enormous slabs of beef demand lower heat, while thinner pieces require higher temps.

  • 1/2 inch thick:
    If you’re using a charcoal grill, make sure the coals are medium-hot and not covered in ash, as this will cause the temperature to drop. The beef will have a surface temperature of 425 to 450 degrees.
  • 3/4 to 1-inch thickness:
    Make sure you’re using medium-hot coals with a light ash coating. Depending on the meat you’re grilling, the temperature should range from 360 to 400 degrees.
  • Thickness ranges from 1 inch:
    Allow for medium-low coals in your charcoal grill and check for a solid layer of ash on top to keep the temperature between 325 and 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This setting is best for medium-rare to rare steaks.

How Hot Should the Grill be for Steak?

The most excellent heat for steaks is 450°F to 500°F. Rare to well done is widespread cooking temperatures. It’s up to you how well you cook your Steak but according to the US Department of Agriculture the minimum internal temperature for raw beef should be 145 °F (62.8 °C), but most experts believe that medium rare is the best combination of flavor and texture. You can go to medium-well if you don’t like your meat to be too red. The more your Steak is cooked, the more moisture it loses.

perfect steak made on a grill
  • The middle of a Rare Steak should be around 125° F.
  • The cooking temperature for Medium-Rare is roughly 135 °F
  • Medium is grilled at a temperature of approximately 145 °F.
  • A temperature of roughly 155 degrees Fahrenheit is required for medium-well cooking.
  • Well Done is grilled at a temperature of roughly 175 °F.

What is English Vs Flanken Cut

To get crisp and seared on both sides, you should only need to flip your Steak once. Allow three to five minutes for the Steak to rest before serving. When the Steak is removed from the grill, it will continue to cook, and waiting to cut into it will help preserve moisture.

Best Temperature to Grill a Steak?

When it comes to selecting what temperature to grill Steak on a gas barbecue, the type of meat matters, and cooking periods are also crucial to avoid burning your Steak, as different types of steak cook at different rates.

Types of Beef Cuts

The average thickness of a fillet mignon is one inch. Filet Mignon should be cooked at 130°F to 135°F for four minutes per side for medium-rare and at 155°F for seven minutes for each side for Medium.

What is Ribeye Steak?

Ribeye is a thicker piece of meat that requires longer to cook (typically around 114 inches wide or more). For a medium-rare steak, cook it for eight minutes per side at 140°F, and for a medium-cooked steak, cook it for ten minutes at 155°F.

You need a few simple ingredients, a good ribeye steak, salt, pepper, and a cast-iron skillet. Within a few minutes, you can get the yummiest steak crust. Couple with wine or serve with mashed potatoes and salad. Alternatively, serve alone.

How to Cook Ribeye Steak?

What is New York Strip

For medium-rare, cook a 1-inch-thick New York Strip to an internal temperature of 140°F for seven minutes per side on the grill. If you’re grilling a medium-cooked steak, cook it for 10 minutes per side at 155 degrees Fahrenheit.

New-York-Strip Steak

Properly season the New York steak with black pepper and Kosher salt. In a hot pan, sear the steak in a little oil. Melt a few tablespoons of butter in the pan once the meat is golden brown on all sides. Garlic cloves and fresh thyme sprigs can be added at this point.

How to Grill Thin New-York-Strip Steak?

What is T-bone Steak

You can estimate the ideal grilling time for T-bone or other steak kinds, such as flank steak, based on how thoroughly you want your Steak to be done and the thickness of the cut of meat. A medium-rare steak should be cooked to an internal temperature of 140°F, whereas medium steaks should be cooked to a temperature of 155°F.

T-bone Steak

Sear T-bone steaks for 2 minutes per side in a cast-iron skillet over high heat with butter or oil, then transfer to a 415° F preheated oven. Keep it for 3-4 minutes in the oven for medium-rare.

How to Use a Thermometer for Meat?

Have you ever used a meat thermometer? Epicthegrill is there to let you know if it is your first time. “Place the thermometer in the meat while still cooking in the pan, oven, or grill. Do not remove it from the heat without first checking the temperature.” The most important thing to remember is that your thermometer should be inserted into the chunky meat section away from any fat or bones. If you have a thicker cut than an inch, you’ll need to even deeper dig to get to the core,

Grill thermometer

How to Cook Steak in an Oven?

Preheating your oven to 450°F is similar to preheating your gas grill. Cook in the oven until the temperature reaches around 125°F and the color is red for a rare steak. Cook a medium-rare steak in the oven until it reaches a temperature of 135°F and the color is deep pink. Cook a medium steak in the oven at about 145°F until it is light pink. The temperature of a medium-well steak should be around 150°F, and the color should be somewhat pink in the center. A well-done steak should be roasted in the oven until it reaches a temperature of 160°F and has little or no pink tint.

Using a probe meat thermometer, measure the internal temperatures of the Steak in the thickest area, whether you’re using a gas grill or an oven. Remove the meat from the gas grill or oven at 5°F before reaching the required temperature. This is because the heart’s temperature will continue to rise while it rests.

Grill Steak Temperature Chart

The Doneness of the SteakTemperature Inside the GrillPreheat the Grill to 400 Degrees Fahrenheit
For Medium RareIt would be best if you had a temperature around 130-135 °F3:30 minutes per side
For MediumIt would help if you had a temperature around 135-145 °F4:30 minutes per side
For WellIt would help if you had a temperature around 145-155 °F5:30 minutes per side
Well DoneIt would help if you had a temperature around 155-165 °F6:30 minutes per side

How Do You Grill a Perfect Steak?

  • Preheat your grill for 10 to 15 minutes with all of the burners on high or the dampers open and the lid closed.
  • While your grill is heating up, take your steaks out of the fridge, season them, and let them come to room temperature. A steak that is room temperature will cook faster than one that is cold, and a shorter cooking time means less time for the steak to dry out. Furthermore, when you put a cold steak on the grill, it contracts more, allowing more juices to escape.
  • Clean your grill’s grilling grates and set them to direct high heat. Steaks should be cooked at a temperature of 450°F to 500°F.
  • Place your steaks on the grill, close the lid, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on how thick your steak is.

How to Clean Grill Grates With Aluminum Foil?

  • Move your steaks to a different part of the grill. They’ve already absorbed heat from the region of the cooking grate where they were first placed. Moving them to a new location ensures that the cooking grate remains hot enough to create those gorgeous sear marks. Set your timer for another 2 to 3 minutes after closing the lid.

What are Direct and Indirect Heating?

  • Check the doneness of your meat.
  • Remove the steak from the grill when it’s done to your preference, and let it rest for 30 to 40 percent.


You can achieve the perfect Steak every time you cook with our guide to the ideal temperature to cook steak. It’s important to remember that you must always marinate your Steak thoroughly before cooking it, no matter what sort of grill you use. While grilling, this will allow the fluids and flavor to penetrate inside the meat entirely.

While cooking, flip your Steak once, and keep in mind that the second side of the Steak cooks faster than the first. The temperature inside the grill varies depending on the thickness of the meat.

3 thoughts on “Best Temperature to Grill a Steak | Thickness, Cut, and Temperature”

  1. Pingback: Why Does Grilling Taste Better? | 6 Tips To Grill Better - Grill Pantry

  2. Pingback: How To Cook T-bone Steak - Grill Pantry

  3. Pingback: 5 Ways On How To Grill A Perfect Steak With Or Without A Grill - Grill Pantry

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