4 Factors | How Long Does it Take for Charcoal to Absorb Odors?

How Long Does it Take for Charcoal to Absorb Odors

Unpleasant odors in homes come from many sources like foul smells from the refrigerator, pet odors, children’s diapers, leather cushions, and many more. There are many ways to remove bad smells from a house like scented candles or toxic air fresheners, but it needs a complete solution to get rid of the smell completely.

It is extremely embarrassing if you cannot deal with odors timely as it will get absorbed in the furniture or a guest will feel uncomfortable when they visit your home. In the article “How long does it take for charcoal to absorb odors” we will check whether charcoal absorbs odors and what features are responsible for removing the smell from the area.

How Long Does It Take for Charcoal to Absorb Odors?

We are not clearly able to say the time charcoal takes to remove odor from the area, but it is clear that it will absorb odor. It depends on some of the factors that help in calculating how fast or slow charcoal will eliminate odor. Generally, it will take 2 to 3 hours to remove the fragrance of the perfume or any bad smell from the room. Below are some of the important factors on which you can estimate the time of odor removal through charcoal.

1. Structure of Charcoal

The odor is greatly affected by the structure of the charcoal. If the charcoal is highly porous it means they have many microscopic holes throughout the body that will increase the surface area. This increased surface area traps the odor molecule and retains it within the body. The absorption ability is increased if you go for pellets and powdered form instead of big pieces. The uniform size and shape of pellets allow better airflow and enhance the odor absorption capabilities. It is easily available in the market and many companies make such pellets but it is necessary to find the best one according to your needs.

2. Amount of Charcoal Used

With the increase in the amount of charcoal, there is an increase in odor removal. The greater quantity of charcoal used can decrease the duration of odor absorption. A large amount of charcoal can absorb odor molecules effectively and faster because there are many holes for absorption. An adequate amount of charcoal will be saturated in a longer time and will work properly while comparing to less quantity of charcoal use.

3. Quality of Charcoal

The quality of charcoal is directly proportional to the odor absorption. High-quality charcoal with many holes and flat surface area can absorb more smell in a faster way as compared to normal lump charcoal. Activated charcoal is one of the forms of charcoal that has millions of holes that work best for odor removal. Low-quality charcoal has fewer holes and an irregular shape due to which it is less effective in odor absorption. You can also use charcoal briquettes for odor removal because it is already undergone through an intense process of heating and compressing to form a regular shape briquette. It has millions of microscopic holes that will absorb odor better than lump charcoal.

4. Nature and Extent of Odor

Everything has a specific capacity to deal with things they encounter. Charcoal can also remain effective to some extent for the type and nature of odors. The charcoal will absorb the smell and get saturated faster if the source releases a strong odor of fumes such as volatile organic compounds from paints, and vinyl flooring regularly. On the other hand, the charcoal will last longer and remove the unpleasant smell more quickly if the source of the odor is low and doesn’t produce lots of smell.

Does Activated Charcoal Absorb Odors?

Activated charcoal is chemically treated to make it more porous for various purposes, due to these pores it absorbs odors better than regular charcoal. It is used for water purification, air filtration and to use for making medicated products. It can absorb smells proficiently and faster as compared to lump charcoal due to which it is used for almost every type of odor removal.

The activated charcoal absorbs odor through its surface area and stores the smelling particles within its holes. The greater surface area is important because the greater surface area will absorb the gaseous particles instantly and remove the odor.

Sometimes the burning smell of the meat or the rotten smell of eggs is not bearable. In such conditions, you can take a little bit of activated charcoal in a sachet and place it near the smelling source, and it will absorb all the smell at once leaving the air smell less. The carbon pores will trap the odor, filter it, and leave fresh air in the atmosphere.

How Long Does Activated Charcoal Absorb Odors?

It is a rough estimation that activated charcoal remains effective and absorbs odors for 1 to 3 years if you store it in a sealed container. The atmospheric moisture, air, and foul smell will not interact with the charcoal so it will be preserved for this long. However, if you use it for odor removal by adding it in a sachet and placing it near the smelling area it will absorb the order for a month.

The millions of holes get filled up with the smell particles leaving it deactivated. In such a condition, you have to replace it or reactivate the charcoal for reuse. The simplest way is to place it in bright sunlight which will reactivate it by evaporating the particles from the holes.

How to Use Activated Charcoal for Odor Removal in Your Home

  • You can buy activated charcoal online, at your neighborhood hardware or pet shop, or both. The various forms of activated charcoal include powder, pellets, and whole charcoal pieces.
  • Put activated charcoal pellets or a whole piece in a sachet, small fabric bag, or even a mismatched pair of socks. Hide the sachet near the smelly area for odor absorption in your house.
  • Place charcoal containers or bowls throughout your house, paying special attention to places that tend to have bad odors, such as the vicinity of a litterbox, the kitchen, or the interior of the refrigerator.
  • You can also use activated charcoal near the filled diaper pails or garbage cans because these are the smelliest things in the house.
  • Charcoal sachets can be hung in the home’s closets, washing rooms, and other spaces. Even ornamental sachets that are both visually appealing and odor-absorbing are available.
  • Activated charcoal is safe if consumed, but it is better not to eat them or play with them. Keep it out of the reach of pets and children because they will play with them and there are many chances that they will also eat them.

Does Charcoal Absorb Moisture?

Charcoal absorbs more moisture when exposed to a humid atmosphere. By placing charcoal briquettes in a coffee can, you can create your handmade dehumidifier. Moisture is the primary catalyst for decay in any setting. Simply mix some charcoal and coffee to make your desiccant. It has been demonstrated that activated charcoal works well to eliminate odors.

Depending on the humidity and weather, moisturizing products should be changed frequently. Wood furniture and damp basements indoors are both conducive to the development of mold. In humid environments, cockroaches, pathogens, and mites flourish.

Charcoal Briquettes can be used to dehumidify a space. They eliminate musty smells in addition to dampness from a place. Charcoal is the best option to remove odors and humidity, however, baking soda is another natural desiccant option, but it works less effectively in comparison to charcoal.

What Kind of Charcoal Absorbs Odor Best?

1. Lump Charcoal

There are different forms of lump charcoal available in the market and you get advantages from every one. The only thing is the ability to remove odor fast. Hardwood lump charcoal is the basic form that is used for grilling and it is the best type for cooking however, it is not that effective for odor absorption.

2. Charcoal Briquettes

The other option is charcoal briquettes that are formed from different products and processed in the factory under high temperatures. It has many features that work best for getting flavor and longevity while grilling. The regular structure and flat surface area also help in better odor absorption.

3. Activated Charcoal

The third and the best type of charcoal is the activated one. This kind of charcoal is the same one that’s used in toothpaste and cosmetics. It’s also utilized to get rid of smells in your home. To make activated charcoal highly porous, it has either been heated at a high temperature or chemically treated with certain chemicals. Because of its increased pores, it can absorb odor-causing chemical particles more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which eliminates odor better, charcoal or baking soda?

Compared to charcoal, baking soda is less effective since it works only on specific kinds of scents. When baking soda is placed in a smelly area, it only interacts with the acidic molecule and neutralizes it by changing its chemical composition. In such a way baking soda is only effective to acidic odors present in the air, while charcoal can absorb almost all types of odors.

Activated charcoal or normal charcoal is best for odor removal?

Activated charcoal is better as compared to normal lump charcoal because it has more pores to absorb odors than normal charcoal. Activated means it has gone through a process during which it has created numerous holes and these holes are responsible for odor absorption.

Can charcoal remove odors from a car?

Yes, charcoal can remove odor from cars easily because the car has a small area and the smell is confined within it. If you had given a full service to your car, it might be possible that the seats or the mats got wet and your car would smell worse. Take a small amount of charcoal and place it under the seat and you will feel your car doesn’t sting anymore.

Is reactivated charcoal reusable?

Yes, reactivated charcoals are reusable. However, it is better to reactivate the charcoals 2 to 3 times and use them. Some of the absorbed particles are non-removable which makes them less useable. You can reactivate charcoal easily by placing it in bright sunlight for a day. You can also reactivate them by quickly heating them in the oven. The temperature needed to react them in the oven is almost 200°C (400°F). It will help to remove the gaseous particles from these tiny holes and make them available for reuse.


The exact duration charcoal will take to absorb odor is not easy to tell. However, you can calculate the duration of odor absorption based on some factors. It depends on the structure, quality, and the amount of charcoal used. The other thing that greatly affects the timing is the nature and extent of the odor. Typically, charcoal can take 2 to 3 hours to eliminate common odors in the home and kitchen.

Activated charcoal is a better option as compared to briquettes and lump charcoal because of its millions of microscopic holes that make a huge surface area. It is also available in various forms like powder, pellets, or big pieces. You will get maximum benefits from charcoal if you understand the factors that influence its effectiveness.

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