7 Easy Steps How Long to Cook Beef Ribs on a Grill

How Long to Cook Beef Ribs on a Grill

Beef ribs are a great substitute for pork ribs, and they cook in the same way as a rack of pig ribs. The key to juicy beef ribs is to prepare them slowly over indirect heat, making them soft and tasty and keeping them from dehydrating. A worthy sauce(marinade) will also aid in making meat the yummiest.

Besides that, you can also use red wine, thyme, garlic, and soy sauce to add flavor. Back ribs are short ribs and require a different procedure for cooking. In this article, we will tell you how long to cook beef ribs on a grill.

Marinade Ingredients for Beef Ribs

  • 1/2 cup dry red wine,
  • Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  • 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce, plus additional for serving
  • 1 teaspoon dry thyme
  • Kosher salt, 1/2 teaspoon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 to 3 minced garlic cloves
  • Beef back ribs, 4 pound

How Long to Cook Beef Ribs on a Grill

Grilling the ribs for 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Cook for another 30 to 60 minutes if you want the meat to fall off the bone. Keep in mind to keep a close eye on the process. Apply sauce to the ribs for about 10 minutes before taking them off the grill. Every 30 minutes, you must rotate to expose various edges to the hot side of the fire.

Instructions on cooking beef ribs on a grill

Beef ribs English cut
  1. Assemble the ingredients.
  2. Combine the wine, soy sauce, vegetable oil, barbecue sauce (if using), thyme, salt, pepper, and garlic in an average mixing bowl.
  3. Pour the marinade on the types of ribs you selected in a non-metallic shallow baking bowl. Make sure the ribs are coated evenly.
  4. Refrigerate for 2 to 6 hours after wrapping in plastic wrap.
  5. Before grilling, bring the ribs to room temperature.
  6. During the last 15 minutes of cooking, apply barbecue sauce. Keep an eye on the ribs to prevent them from burning.
  7. Remove the ribs from the heat when they achieve an interior 165 degrees F temperature.

Grilling Beef Ribs on Different Grills

Grilling beef ribs can be done on different types of grills, each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the type of grill you use, it is important to ensure that the beef ribs are cooked to a safe internal temperature of 145°F.

You can use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of the meat. Once the beef ribs are cooked, let them rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the juices to redistribute. Here are some popular types of grills and how they can be used for grilling beef ribs:

1. Grilling on a Kettle Grill

Fill one side of the kettle grill with charcoal. Over hot coals, grill the ribs for 5 minutes per side. Grill the meat for another 30 minutes on the side farthest from the coals (you can add wood chunks for added flavor). Cook for another 2 hours over indirect heat, wrapped in foil. Kettle grills are smaller as compared to barrel grills so use less amount of charcoal while cooking in kettle grills.

2. Grilling on a Ceramic Cooker

Place the diffuser plate on top of the charcoal on the grill. Preheat the grill to 375-400 degrees Fahrenheit. for 5 minutes on each side of the grill, Reduce the heat to 275 degrees Fahrenheit by adjusting the vents. Thirty minutes more on the grill. Cook for another 2 hours after wrapping in foil.

3. Grilling on a Pellet grill

Preheat the pellet grill to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. For 5 minutes on each grill side, decrease the heat to 275 degrees Fahrenheit and heat for 30 minutes more. Cook for another 2 hours after wrapping in foil.

4. Grilling on a Gas grill

Turn one burner too high and turn off the others. Grill the ribs for 5 minutes on each side over a hot burner. Move the meat to the side of the grill turned off, and cook for another 30 minutes (with a smoke pouch). Cook for another 2 hours over indirect heat, wrapped in foil.

5. Cooking Beef in Oven

To 400 degrees Fahrenheit preheat the oven. Cook for 10 minutes on a foil-lined sheet pan with the ribs. Decrease the heat to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook for another 30 minutes. Wrap the ribs with foil before cooking (use a new sheet of foil if the current sheet has too much cooked-on residue.) Cook for another 2 hours.

How to Know When Your Beef Ribs Are Ready

Your beef ribs will take 6 to 8 hours to cook using this low-and-slow approach. As they near the end, the fleshy component may loosen from the bone. To test for tenderness, use your tongs. You can also cut into the flesh to check for any lingering pink. You can twist the central rib if your ribs are in a rack. Your ribs are ready when they easily separate from the meat.

Ribs aren’t the most practical cuts to try and insert a probe into. Some of the sections are quite thin. Temperatures taken near the bone do not reveal anything. Placing a meat thermometer is difficult. However, toothpicks come in handy. A toothpick should easily slip in and out of the flesh between the bones when the ribs are done.

Recipe Suggestions

  • Beef back ribs are what’s left after the butcher removes the bones from a ribeye roast or steak, so there’s a little meat in between the ribs. 1 1/2 pounds per person is a good estimate (adult).
  • Remove the membrane off the underside of the rack if your beef back ribs are still linked. Start a corner with a knife and hold the loose corner with a paper towel. The membrane should readily peel away.
  • Ask the butcher about refreshed or frozen beef ribs if you can not find beef ribs in your market.
  • Beef ribs have a portion of fat that burns fast; under the grill grates, place a drip pan to avoid flare-ups. If flare-ups occur, keep an eye on the ribs and move them about the grill.

Beef Ribs: How to Freeze and Store

Cooking Beef Ribs
  • Wrapped beef ribs in foil, and for 3 to 4 days, keep in the refrigerator.
  • Cover them in foil and freeze them for 3 months in a sealed freezer bag.

Chef’s Notes:

  • To make the sauce a little spicier, add another cayenne pepper according to your taste. Keep in mind that a little cayenne goes a long way.
  • The longer these ribs are marinated, the better they will be. If you don’t have much time, put them in the refrigerator for at least one hour. Wait the full two hours before grilling if you have the patience.
  • While the rack cooks, keep an eye on the grill temperature. Aim for a temperature of 200° to 250° Fahrenheit, or nearly 250° as possible. Using a gas grill, make sure the meat is cooked over indirect heat to prevent overcooking.


Grilling is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. Different rubs and sauces can be used to customize the experience. You can experiment with different types of wood for smoking and brines and marinades. Serve with asparagus, baked potatoes, a warm slice of French bread, and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. Beef ribs will take several hours to cook on a gas grill, but they taste great. If you learned anything from this article on cooking beef ribs on a grill. Enjoy Grilled Beef Ribs ):

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