How to Get Charcoal Flavor on Gas Grill? 4 Easy Steps

How to Get Charcoal Flavor on Gas Grill

Gas grills are fantastic because they are practical, simple to clean, and cook various foods, including large pieces of meat and vegetable kebabs. But occasionally, you miss the charred, smokey flavor that can only be obtained from a traditional charcoal barbecue. Regarding barbeque, gas grillers want options and are often seen asking how to get charcoal flavor on gas grill. How can you flavor food with smoke without using wood or charcoal for cooking it?

Fortunately, there are techniques to impart an excellent wood and charcoal flavor to your gas-grilled food. First, consider different methods you can employ to get perfectly delicious smoky charcoal flavor using your gas grill, so start reading.

How to get Charcoal Flavor on Gas Grill

A lot of people own gas barbecues. They’re simple to start, usually quite large, and their temperature can be adjusted with a skim of the wrist. The only issue is they are unable to replicate the smoky flavor of charcoal. Can they, or can’t they? Although you won’t obtain the authentic charred flavor without the actual thing, there are specific ways to get yourself quite close.

1. Turn it up

We appreciate charcoal’s natural capacity to provide hotness zones, extreme heat directly over coals, and more modest heat distant from coals. Try to simulate the heat production of your gas grill by turning it on high and low. This will cause more Maillard responses in proteins, resulting in flavor.

Lightening a charcoal grill is tricky and dangerous if you don’t know how to light a charcoal grill read the article How to light a charcoal grill?

2. Smoking it out

Using a smoker box that uses wood pieces adds many flavors. Put it on the grill, add your meat and vegetables, close the cover, and let the smoke do its thing.

3. Increase the temperature

Throw a tinfoil or old baking sheet over the grate before roasting the meat to create a nice char. With unparalleled search, the heating process takes only 30 seconds, so be prepared to slip your meat on the grate as soon as you remove the foil.

4. Don’t let your coverslip

Although storing a cover on a coal grill reduces heat production, holding a cover on a gas grill helps build and maintain heat. Remember that a good char is about warmth, so keep the lid open as much as possible — and help produce more of the smoke you want.

Other ways to Use Charcoal on a Gas Grill

The following are the several best strategies for charcoal on a gas barbecue.

  1. If you have a gas grill, you may easily add flavor with charcoal. All you have to do is warm the grill for 15 minutes on medium heat, add the charcoal, light it, and let it burn for 15 minutes. Then proceed to prepare your dish as usual.
  2. Another option is to cover the grates with foil and poke holes. Then, put your charcoal in the pan and light it. Place your food on the foil and close the lid after it’s lighted.
  3. Utilize a chimney starter if you want to use charcoal on a gas grill without using foil. This is a metal cylinder with a handle on top that holds the charcoal. Lay it on the grates, fill it with charcoal, and light it. Once the charcoal is ignited, place it on the grill on one side, and on the other, cook your food.
  4. A gas barbecue with a side burner is another option. This is a burner that is usually found on the grill’s side. Preheat the grill to medium heat, place your charcoal on the side burner, and light it. Wait 15 minutes after it has been ignited before adding your food.

As you can see, there are various options for grilling with charcoal on a gas barbecue. Choose the one you believe will work best for you and give it a shot. If you don’t want to use charcoal on your gas grill, there are grills that are combo of charcoals and gas grills and are best for grilling.

Exemptions from the Rule

Of course, there are exceptions. Some gas grills are built to use charcoal as a secondary fuel source. Generally, these are either inefficient at handling both fuels or prohibitively expensive. These dual-fuel grills are available, albeit not ideal. For example, most Napoleon gas grills have optional charcoal baskets that allow you to use charcoal.

If your gas grill offers a charcoal fuel option, examine the owner’s manual and carefully follow the instructions. This will prevent you from damaging any of the grill’s components. A little blunder might cost you a lot of money.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ways by which we can get a smoky flavor from food?

Use woodchips and a smoke box to give your food a woody and smoky flavor, additional you can use seasonings and liquid smoke to achieve the taste of charcoal on a gas barbecue. Use indirect heat to fine-tune your technique before searing, and bear in mind that a closed grill will result in a deeper flavor.

Is it possible to achieve a charcoal flavor on a gas grill?

Absolutely! While gas grills provide convenience and easy temperature control, many barbecue enthusiasts miss the distinctive smoky flavor that charcoal grills impart. Fortunately, there are methods and products available that can help mimic the charcoal flavor on a gas grill. By utilizing specific techniques and adding certain materials, you can capture a semblance of that authentic charcoal taste even when grilling with gas.

How do smoker boxes work on a gas grill?

Smoker boxes are specially designed containers that hold wood chips or pellets and are used on gas grills to produce smoke. When the smoker box is placed over an active burner, the heat causes the wood inside to smolder, generating smoke. This smoke rises through the grill, enveloping the food and giving it a smoky flavor similar to what you would get with charcoal. It’s a practical solution for those who want the convenience of gas grilling but also desire the smoky flavor typical of charcoal.

Are there any safety concerns when trying to mimic charcoal flavor on a gas grill?

When attempting to introduce a charcoal flavor on a gas grill, safety should always be a priority. Ensure that any smoker boxes, wood chips, or other flavor-enhancing methods are used according to manufacturer instructions. Avoid overloading smoker boxes, as excessive smoke can lead to flare-ups. Regularly inspect and clean your grill, ensuring no buildup of grease or residues that could ignite. With the proper precautions, you can safely enjoy the charcoal flavor on your gas grill.


There are various ways to replicate the smoky flavor of a charcoal barbecue on your gas grill, which is fortunate because many people enjoy it. Utilize wood chips: wood chips and pellets can lend a smokey flavor. Keep a few points in mind, Put wood chips in foil or use a smoker box, pellet tube, or pellet tray. Give your grill enough time to heat up, and avoid opening the cover too frequently. You may add a smokey flavor and aroma to your cuisine using liquid smoke, marinades, and rubs. Now it’s not a dream anymore to get a charcoal taste using a gas grill. Enjoy grilling.

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